Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Morning

Monday morning, already feeling a little tired, I'm guessing that might be because I may have overslept . . . Not sure I really believe in over sleeping, but I have no other explanation. I slept in until 11:00, and I'm barely keeping my eyes open, I think it's the couch, it sucks me down.

As far as what I have to do today, should maybe look at what I was supposed to have done for my 2:00 class, which is only worth 2 credits and the only class I might not get an A in, Purchasing, I just hate it, I think it's boring and there's no pictures in my text book. I also need to talk with Ms. Cory about the class I skipped last Friday, I'm pretty sure she just went over what's expected for our food memoir paper due the week after Thanksgiving. I think I might write about my senior year Tour de Colorado ski trips and restaurants. Yes, I think I will write about my farewell tour to all my favorite restaurants. I also need to put away all my laundry, which is clean, but now on my dirty floor, hmmm. That might be it for now . . . Oh, dinner up at Tim's too.

I cut my finger last night making beef stroganoff (which turned out rather well), using the knife Tim gave me for my birthday, I really haven't cut myself using a knife in a really long time, I'm generally really careful when chopping/cutting, but I was cutting a cheap cut of meat and not paying attention. Oh, I also made that artichoke bread that I've been kind of craving, damn it, I just realized that I didn't put it in the fridge for some odd reason, it's got mayo in it, of course it should go in the fridge, oh well.

Hmmm, watching What Not to Wear, not getting anything done, I really need to look at what I have to do for class in 30 minutes (minus 20 minutes for getting to class) shit, I've really got to go now, I should have made coffee. Oh, I also have to call dad about studded bike tires, oops!


1 comment:

mcassidy25 said...

you cuss a lot :P I MISS YOU!!!!!!!