Friday, November 21, 2008

Waiting, not watching, for my water to boil for round two of dinner. Had some troubles today with that; used pre made raviolis and a sauce packet, somehow I managed to fuck them both up a little/a lot. I used water instead of milk for the sauce, and no where near enough water for the pasta, things really shouldn't be that complicated. Not to mention Tim was giving me shit the whole time for even using a sauce packet, although I know from Tanya that they have both eaten sauce from a packet before . . .

Speaking of which, freaking Tim found out about this blog while stalking me and my sister's wall to wall on facebook. He's worried about how this will make him look to others, so don't judge, facebook ruins lives. I know of two specific couples who have ruined themselves through facebook, good thing this is the worst thing for me to hide. I'm having a hard time writing with the looking of over my shoulder . . . I'm currently sitting at Harrison St, trying not to, but very much wanting to go watch Grey's Anatomy, but it would be all out of order and ruin it for me slightly, not to mention Tim almost insisted on an update, just wants me to keep this up to date. So Megan, we'll have to save the truly private matters for not this blog, sorry I wasn't so careful about the leak. That's all for now.


1 comment:

mcassidy25 said...

Don't worry about it, that's what phones are for:) But I do love hearing about your cooking adventures...I should get some of those frozen raviolis, forgot how good they are!